The Empath: Tianyi can feel and read the hidden songs in a human mind.Starfish Language: Tianyi knows nothing about human language, so she can only sing to express her feelings."Tian" means Tianlai, the sound of nature (to describe a beautiful voice), "Yi" is short for "Yiren" that means fair lady in ancient Chinese. Meaningful Name: "Luo" after the last name of the goddess of music, Luoshen.Breakout Character: She is the most popular of the Chinese vocaloids and is at times jokingly referred to as the Chinese equivalent of Hatsune Miku.Often Played for Laughs in official promotions, making this Ascended Fanon.

Originating from one of Tianyi's first popular works, Millennium Recipe Song, which was a tribute to Chinese cuisine. Alien Among Us: Tianyi's official profile states that she was summoned to earth with an important mission, and arrived in the guise of a Vocaloid.Accidental Kiss: Or at least, something that looks like it in one of Tianyi's demos, involving her with Ling.Even if people cannot express the melody themselves, Tianyi can still hear it and sing it. Tianyi can detect "the song of your heart" and it can be interpreted as the strongest emotion a person has at the moment or a melody that represents them. Luo Tianyi is an angel who came to earth with a mission to spread music throughout the world. Two Girls to a Team: Inverted of the planned and unplanned characters for Shanghai He Nian, Longya and Moke are the only male vocals.Tomboy and Girly Girl: Ling and Tianyi.Their official updated personalities show Ling being active and lively, while Tianyi is sensitive and quiet.Red Oni, Blue Oni: Ling and Tianyi, which caught on with the fandom during their 'development stage'.Yan He - a scroll that can be expanded into a piano keyboard.flower thingy that can transform into a double bass. Zhiyu Moke - Fei, a bird that can transform into dual keyboards.Yuezheng Longya - Bei Chen, a 50,000 year old dragon that can transform into a drumset.Yuezheng Ling - Shi Tian, a 10,000 year old big feline that can transform into a guitar.Described as a fairy of music, she's said to be 10 years old.