y LAWRIE, I.D., Problems on Statistical Mechanics, Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol (1999). CHANDLER, D., Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics, Oxford University Press, Oxford (1987).y DE LA RUBIA SÁNCHEZ, J., Mecánica Estadística, UNED, Madrid (2001). BREY ABALO, J.J., DE LA RUBIA PACHECO, J.y BATROUNI, G.G., Equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical thermodynamics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2004). McQUARRIE, D.A., Statistical Mechanics, Harper & Row, New York (1976).BALESCU, R., Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics,Wiley & Sons, New York (1975).PATHRIA, R.K., Statistical Mechanics (2nd edition), Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford (1996).In these tasks, students will have to carry out a study (preferably in teams) of a particle system in equilibrium, applying the theoretical techniques acquired during the course. In addition to the theoretical syllabus, students may be proposed to undertake practical or specific tasks with a significant computational component. Critical point, scale invariance, critical exponents. Computational techniques in statistical physics: molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo method.Introduction to the statistical physics of liquids.Paramagnetism: dipoles in a magnetic field.

Systems of independent harmonic oscillators. Statistical physics of photon gas: thermal radiation. Completely degenerate relativistic fermion gas. Statistical model of the atom: Thomas-Fermi model. Relativistic degenerate fermion gas: Chandrasekhar model of white dwarf stars.

Degenerate ideal fermion gas: Fermi energy. Equation of state of the ideal quantum gas. Quantum indistinguishability: bosons and fermions. Lesson 5: INTRODUCTION TO THE IDEAL QUANTUM GAS. Appendices: The rigid rotor in quantum mechanics. Molecular structure: rotational, vibrational, and electronic degrees of freedom. Canonical partition function and thermodynamics of the Boltzmann gas. Appendices: Grand canonical fluctuations of energy. Grand canonical fluctuations in the number of particles. Lesson 3: FLUCTUATIONS, EQUIVALENCE OF ENSEMBLES, AND THERMODYNAMIC LIMIT. Appendices: Quantum effects in the classical limit. Construction of ensembles: Boltzmann's statistical physics. Appendices: Irreversibility: the arrow of time. Quantum formulation and quantum Liouville's theorem. Concept of ensemble and Liouville's theorem. Lesson 1: INTRODUCTION, FUNDAMENTALS, AND POSTULATES.